Miss O'Connor's 3rd Grade Beach Brains!

I would like to welcome you and your child to my 3rd grade classroom!  My goal is to provide an atmosphere of  safety, nurturing, understanding, and learning.  I strive to create a combination of academic understanding, creativity, and fun for my students.  I appreciate the uniqueness of each boy and girl and the stories that they bring to my class.  I challenge myself to be the best at encouring the growth and development of each student.  I am a life long learner and look for ways to improve my craft of teaching daily.  Your child will be challenged this year and will grow in so many ways!  Thank you for your trust and support.  Please remember that I feel it is important to keep an open line of communication with my students parents so my door is always open for you!  Thank you for allowing me to be a partner in your childs education, this is going to be a GREAT year!

 Miss O'Connor